What are the benefits of music for a care home, and its residents?
“Singing is great!”
- It can improve the quality of life fo residents, including those with dementia at various stages, and a range of other health issues.
- In turn, this can help their carers and family feel more positive.
- Care staff who sing were more motivated and enjoyed their work more.
- Homes that sang and introduced music regularly were, in our surveys happier places as a result.
- We even found evidence that care homes and other settings saved costs elsewhere as a result of introducing such activities.
- The QCQ tell us that an effective singing programme can address each of the five questions they consider when making their quality assessment of a care home.
Read the full findings in our Surveys Analysis, and in the Research Review showing the published evidence that music participation can have a range of beneficial impacts.
But don’t just take our word for it. Watch videos below of care home staff talking about music; and read quotes from care home managers, singing leaders, the Care Quality Commission and NICE in our 10 Headlines summary.
“Creativity and innovation are key ingredients in outstanding care homes, and regular singing and live music activities can help care homes positively address all five key questions our inspectors ask of care homes.”
– Andrea Sutcliffe, Chief Inspector of the CQC
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