We hope this online toolkit will inspire and support you to bring music into the lives of care home residents. It can be achieved on any budget, and the benefits can be remarkable for everyone involved. Scroll down to the bottom of this page for the views of Andrea Sutcliffe, Chief Inspector of the Care Quality Commission.
During our first year of investigations, we surveyed over 150 care homes that regularly enable residents to participate with singing and live music making. We also gathered detailed case studies showing examples of really good and creative practice. This website highlights some of the main things we have learned. It is not comprehensive, but we hope it will contain enough to inspire you to get started, or to improve your music programme, and give you several practical ideas about how to do so.
How can I find suitable musicians to lead this activity?
1. What are the special benefits of music for a care home, and its residents?
Regular singing and participation in music can have positive impacts on the wellbeing of residents, staff, carers and families. Read more.
2. What does a music session in a care home look like?
We found many different ways that residents can engage with music. We’ve set out several examples, and you can consider which approach is right for you. Read more.
3. What practical first steps can I take to get started?
Many care homes told us that they would love to bring music into their homes, but didn’t know where to start. We’ve compiled a practical set of ideas for how to go about it, regardless of what budget you have available. Read more.
We’ve also created some simple video tutorials to get you really hooked!
Please help us spread the message to all care homes by downloading and circulating this document, and telling people about our website.
If you’d like to keep in touch with the latest developments, please do register your interest with us.