A new approach to group music making
Live Music Now has launched a major new research and development initiative, Count Me In!, to enrich inclusive music education. Thanks to a major grant from The Daniell Trust, and support from a number of other trusts, foundations, music hubs and schools, Live Music Now is rolling out a national programme of Count Me In! projects with 20 specialist schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland during 2024-26. Working closely with school staff, Live Music Now musicians will introduce the Count Me In! approach into classrooms through a series of 10-week creative music projects.
PhD researcher Ellen O’Brien from the University of Roehampton has joined the programme team to investigate the impact of the approach. We will be sharing our findings with music and education colleagues to promote this way of working within special schools throughout the country.
The Count Me In! approach
Count Me In! was created by a team of field leading academics and practitioners. It is founded on the philosophy that disability and difference should be no barrier to group music-making. It recognises that people with severe learning difficulties, who may well find language and everyday understanding a challenge, can possess advanced musical skills. Live Music Now piloted the approach in 2022: read more here.
“It really developed their ability to focus for a prolonged period to perform music. They were calm and really enjoyed their sessions. The end of project performance allowed them to demonstrate their skills in a very dignified way – it was amazing.”
The Count Me In! approach is based on the Sounds of Intent framework of musical progression. Children participate in group music-making by taking on a role suited to their interests and abilities.
Sound Makers (Sounds of Intent Level 2) are sensory learners who are developing their capacity to engage with and produce sound.
Pattern Makers (Sounds of Intent Level 3) are able to perceive and recreate simple patterns in sound, such as a steady beat.
Motif Makers (Sounds of Intent Level 4) can recognise and create “building blocks” of music: rhythmic patterns or melodic motifs.
Music Makers (Sounds of Intent Level 5) sing or play short songs and simple pieces of music, developing the ability to play or sing in time and in tune.
“Pupils were ALL enabled to make sounds independently. Some had not previously done this.”
Live Music Now musicians are using the Count Me In! approach to enable children with complex needs to take a meaningful role in ensemble music making, either using songs from the Count Me In! book or adapting their own repertoire to provide parts for Sound Makers, Pattern Makers, Motif Makers and Music Makers. Our musicians are also supporting teaching staff to use the book and online resources to continue ensemble music-making once projects have finished.
“We have now created our own rolling programme of Count Me In songs across the school. Teachers feel more aware of how to make music with their learners and have a firm format that they know works.”

For more information on Count Me In! contact [email protected]