Where we are now
As a growing organisation engaging multiple audiences, we at Live Music Now have a responsibility to protect the environment. We’re working on deepening our understanding of our environmental impact and our potential for change.
With a predominantly home-based administrative team of 22 employees, our environmental footprint is relatively small. Our 250 musicians are spread across the UK, enabling us, for the most part, to take our work to audiences rather than encouraging large groups to travel.
Our previous Environmental Policy focussed on reducing, re-using and recycling materials and energy. Now, as we review our working practice and policy, we recognise the need to move from being a sustainable organisation towards actively championing environmental responsibility in all that we do.
Where we're heading
Our ambitious new organisational strategy, outlined in 2021, targets significant growth in our activities over the next five years. As we work to deliver this, we will be paying close attention to ensure that our carbon footprint does not grow at the same rate as our audience reach.
As part of this ongoing journey, we are examining our workstreams and the way we work with musicians, our workforce and our partners. Our aim is to empower our workforce to become ambassadors for climate justice, share and support the work of scientists and become better climate communicators.
To drive this work forward, we have established an internal environmental working group with board and staff membership, and appointed an Environmental Officer from our Strategic Management Team.
Through an organisation-wide review, we aim to develop a central metric that will enable us to measure the current environmental impact of our work and allow us to establish the baseline across the organisation. As part of this audit, we will be opening up the environmental working group to our musicians and relevant stakeholders.
Using the findings of our audit as a guide, we will work to reduce our impact and expand our influence through:
- measuring our progress; building ongoing data collection into our work and establishing new ways of working with partners, that sets environmental responsibility as a key performance indicator
- including environmental commitments in our staff training and embedding our responsibilities through induction and training for new and established staff members
- developing a communications plan to share our learnings and document our journey with our wider audience
- reducing the average mileage travelled by staff and musicians per event
- reducing energy consumption in home and office environments
- making environmentally-conscious decisions with regards to consumables
- working with partners to minimise the environmental impact of large-scale multi-partner projects that we are involved in.
Live Music Now remains committed to championing environmental responsibility through all our stakeholders and in all the work we carry out.
We will be updating this page as we progress through this process as we look to make it as transparent as possible. We invite you to provide your thoughts, suggestions and questions through Hannah Wood, our Environmental Officer, on [email protected]