Transforming Communities

Live Music Now launches new Strategic Intent

The impact of COVID-19 and the rapidly changing landscape in the UK calls for a new approach at Live Music Now. Combined with the development in strategy and outlook by major sector partners, and the Arts Councils of England, Northern Ireland and Wales, a dynamic and responsive new Strategic Intent is necessary: one that enables Live Music Now to be adaptive and resourceful, putting our communities at the forefront of our work, working more closely with our partners, diversifying and increasing the resilience of our workforce and organisation, progressing our organisational inclusion journey, and taking our place as a national voice for change.
“Our Strategic Intent embodies a sense of direction and destiny for us to lead, with partners, a drive to bring all the benefits of what we do to all who need them. ” – Sir Vernon Ellis, Live Music Now Chair
At the heart of this Strategic Intent is the belief that Live Music Now is an organisation delivering social impact through music. We create that social impact through musicians, whom we consider to be our most valuable partners and our greatest asset, and seek to serve the ever-increasing need from communities facing social exclusion and disadvantage, both across the UK and internationally.
Our vision is to become a recognised leader in positive, lasting social change by harnessing the connective power of exceptional music.
We will achieve this through three commitments:
  1. Supporting the musical lives of people experiencing challenging circumstances, disadvantage and social exclusion;
  2. Developing and supporting the workforce of professional musicians to ensure quality of practice and the best outcomes for the communities we serve;
  3. Advocating and evidencing the transformative benefits of live music on learning, development, health and wellbeing.
“After months of consultation and collaboration with our stakeholders, this vision feels ambitious, timely, and fit for the future. It is a way forward that will serve us until our 50th year and beyond, a more deeply embedded practice, developing and supporting our workforce and celebrating the whole life creativity of each of us. Let us begin! ” – Janet Fischer, Live Music Now CEO

Download a copy of Live Music Now’s new Strategic Intent here.

The Cut of Her Cloth

New music inspired by women leaders of Medway, created with local people This two-year project run by Intra Arts and Live Music Now, celebrates ten

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