Live Music Now Scotland is delighted to have teamed up with the Saltire Society, to offer a generous £1500 travel grant to a musician. The International Travel Bursary scheme, which is run in association with the British Council Scotland, is aimed at emerging artists who would be keen to explore international cultures and style of music in order to enhance their own musical technique and performing practice.
We are looking for a Live Music Now Scotland musician who can operate on their own musically and creatively. Ideally, the successful applicant will be self-sufficient, resilient, resourceful, organised and a confident communicator with people of all backgrounds and ages. They should also be capable of reporting, evaluating and keeping records, both visual and written, of the residency, and willing to share the learning experience through social media, blogging etc.
Last but not least – we're looking for someone who is genuinely excited and enthused by the possibilities and potential offered through an international travel bursary.
Best of luck to all applicants!
To Apply
Please email 400–500 words to [email protected] and [email protected] before the deadline of Monday 3 November, saying why you are the right person for the bursary. Please explain what you would hope to achieve through it, what sort of work you would envisage undertaking, both outreach and performance, the musical and personal goals you would aim to achieve, and why the bursary is important for you at this point in your career.
Although travel doesn't have to be to a country with which Live Music Now has links, countries with which LMN is currently working are Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands in Europe plus Chile and India (Mumbai and Delhi). We also have partners in Brazil, Estonia and France.
The shortlist and winning application will be selected by Live Music Now Scotland.
The Bursary winner, and any commendations and special mentions (in the form of a certificate), will be announced and presented to the selected artist at Saltire Celebrates on Saturday 29th November in Glasgow.
More Information
Founded in 1936, the Saltire Society is a non-political body concerned with all aspects of Scottish life and culture. Through its awards competitions it promotes excellence in the arts, civil engineering, education, housing design, music, literature, planning and environment.
British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities. British Council Scotland brings the best of international education and the arts to Scotland and promotes Scottish excellence abroad.