Transforming Communities

29 new musicians join Live Music Now’s South East branch

LMN’s South East branch recently inducted 29 new musicians (in 12 ensembles) onto the scheme. The auditions, held over three days in November, attracted young professional musicians from a wide range of genres.

LMN South East Director Nina Swann said, “I’m delighted to welcome the latest intake of musicians to Live Music Now here in London.  We’re very fortunate to have such talented musicians, from such a diverse range of genres, representing LMN and performing in care homes and special needs schools across London and the South East.  We’re looking forward to getting to know them all!”

The musicians, who recently came together  for their induction and basic training, are very enthusiastic about starting their journey with Live Music Now. The induction was led by Julian West, LMN alumnus, and gave the musicians a deeper insight into LMN’s work and what they should expect from the scheme. The musicians had a chance to perform to each other, share and test out repertoire, participation and engagement ideas.

Following the general induction, all groups will take part in LMN’s ‘Basic Training’ programme, three separate day-long sessions focussed individually on working with children with special educational needs, working with older people with dementia and developing workshops skills. They will also start with their first participatory performances in well-known and supportive venues before having a mentored performance where they will get formal feedback, in situ, from an experienced LMN alumni.

Harpist Tomos Xerri had one of his first performances at University College Hospital: One woman came up in tears saying that her husband had died yesterday and that the music made her feel at peace. It was very moving!’

DavidX from Global Vocal is a beatboxer, violinist and guitarist. Originally from France, he gave one of his first concerts at the Notre Dame refugee center for French speaking Africans and the audience truly enjoyed his performance: C'était vraiment bien, amusant et surprenant. Ca m'a permis d'oublir mes problèmes pour un moment. It was really good, amusing and surprising. It helped me to forget my problems for a while.

Je me suis surpris a participer (taper dans les mains, chanter etc) alors que je suis d'un naturel un peu timide. Ca fait beaucoup de bien de s'échapper de notre quotidien même si ce n'est que l'espace de quelques chansons.  I surprised myself clapping, singing, etc… for usually, I am rather shy; it’s really enjoyable to leave the daily routine behind, even if it only lasts a few songs…


The new LMN South East ensembles are:


Amy Tress & Katherine Tinker


David Jones & Rebecca Cohen

Dovetail Trio

Glain Dafydd

Mary Reid


Rosanna Ter Berg & Leo Nicholson

Trio Simbora

Tomos Xerri

Vocal Global