Transforming Communities

Baby Week! 14 – 20 November 2022

It’s Baby Week! We’re so excited to be taking part in Cheshire and Merseyside Baby Week and Baby Week Bradford, bringing together cross-sector organisations, families and caregivers to promote the importance of women’s health and give all babies the best possible start in life.  

Live Music Now’s Lullaby Project was developed in partnership with Improving Me as a creative health model addressing women’s perinatal mental health.  Join us for a webinar on 17 November to hear about the project’s impact.

Webinar: More than medicine, Creative health solutions
17 November 2022, 10am – 12.30pm
Sign up here

This webinar will showcase how cutting-edge developments harnessing cultural assets can provide solutions to seemingly intractable health problems. During the session, Karen Irwin (Live Music Now Strategic Director) and Georgina Aasgaard (Live Music Now Lead Musician and Mentor) will present learning from recent Lullaby Projects in Cheshire and Merseyside showing how musician-led programmes are helping to address the crisis in perinatal mental health. Other webinar contributors include Breathe Arts, the Culture Health and Wellbeing Alliance and Holding Time. Book your place here.

On 14 November, Live Music Now group Back Chat Brass will perform at Better Start Bradford‘s sold out Family Fun Day event at the Bradford City Football Club.