Transforming Communities

Calling all Live Music Now aLuMNi!

Where are you now?
How are things going?
Where did your musical journey lead you?

This year marks 45 years since Live Music Now began in 1977. In celebration, we’re taking a trip down memory lane and looking through the archives. We’ve worked with some amazing talent!

We’ve come a long way since those early days, but we are still working hard to bring the gift of music to people around the UK.

We know that our alumni musicians continue to have lives outside Live Music Now, and we want to know all about them. Where are you now? How are things going? Where did your musical journeys lead you to next?

We’d love to hear your stories from your time with us and learn what you’re up to now.

Whether you joined our music scheme when we were a fledgling start-up in the 70s and 80s, or played us through the 90s and 00s, we’d love for you to get in touch. Please click on the link below to answer a 5 min survey all about you and your experiences.

If you’re in touch with other Live Music Now friends or musical colleagues, please do pass this onto them- the more the merrier. We won’t share anything publicly without your permission.

Thanks in advance – we can’t wait to catch up on your news!

Click here to complete the aLuMNi survey.