Live Music Now musicians have led a song writing project at Seamer and Irton primary in Scarborough, working with 120 children to record and perform their own original compositions.
Switch Songwriting, delivered in partnership with North Yorkshire County Council, NYCC Music Hub and NYMAZ creates opportunities for young people who are often unable to access musical activity and are dealing with a variety of challenging circumstances – including young carers, looked after children, young people with special educational needs and young people from economically deprived backgrounds.
I am so thankful that the children have had this opportunity to work with such a talented bunch of musicians! The final performance on the day was superb and the whole audience left the room singing along to the songs. The children were so confident and proud to perform their piece!
– Year 3 teacher, Seamer and Irton Primary
During the sessions they explored different instruments and learned to make music as part of a group and write their own songs. The project culminated in a sharing of their work for family and friends, and a recording of the songs created.
Hannah Griffiths, year 3 teacher and music lead at Seamer and Irton noticed the impact the sessions had on one student in particular, who took part with a class of 27, before working in a pair, then individually to record solo parts of a song.
Hannah said “During the first few weeks she was observed as taking a back seat. She took part but was not confident to put ideas forward independently. Once she was chosen to record, she immediately seemed more confident and joined in to a much greater extent in the following lessons.”
“This is a pupil who can often find school life challenging. She is naturally shy and questions her ability, but this experience helped to show her what she is capable of and what she can achieve.”
The children really enjoyed seeing the professional standard technology which was demonstrated and explained to them. Those children who demonstrated an aptitude were encouraged to contribute and, with the time and effort given by the musicians, the end product was stunning. The children were really proud of their song.
– Year 3 teacher, Seamer and Irton Primary
Switch Songwriting was delivered in partnership with Live Music Now and NYMAZ and was funded by The East Coast Learning Skills Fund.