Transforming Communities

Early years music-making in West Yorkshire

September 2010 will see the beginning of an exciting new development for the Live Music Now Yorkshire branch – a 26 week residency at Strong Close Nursery School in Keighley.

LMN Yorkshire & Lincolnshire has been at the fore of developing LMN's work with the under 5's, through our Musical Storytimes Project in North Yorkshire Libraries. This project brings books and stories to life for children through music, movement and song.

This new project will give two LMN musicians an opportunity to extend this work, and will provide over 140 children with weekly creative and expressive music-making opportunities. In addition, our musicians will help school staff develop their own musical skills to ensure that after LMN musicians leave, music-making remains a feature of everyday life at Strong Close Nursery.

The project will be funded by Strong Close Nursery School & Mayfield Valley Arts Trust

The Cut of Her Cloth

New music inspired by women leaders of Medway, created with local people This two-year project run by Intra Arts and Live Music Now, celebrates ten

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