Transforming Communities

IntraFest 2022 – sunshine, smiles and star talent on show

Audiences in Medway were delighted by the quality of performers at IntraFest 2022, taking place between 15-17 July in Medway. Musicians, singers, poets, dancers, artists and DJs flocked to the Old High Street Intra, between Chatham and Rochester, to demonstrate the wealth of local talent that Medway has to offer.

Audiences gather in the Flippin’ Frog Garden.

The festival kicked off at Sun Pier House, with a showcase of the brand-new Historic England HSHAZ ‘Round Here composition by Dani Osoba and Thomas Harvey, celebrating the High Street and co-written by members of the local community.

Dani Osoba (right) presents the brand new Historic England HSHAZ ‘Round Here song at Sun Pier House

Further performances took place at twelve other venues along the street, including singers at Mrs. Sourdough bakery, classical music at the Unitarian Church, hip-hop at the Chatham Memorial Synagogue, bands and DJs at Rochester Pizza Lounge, screen-printing at INTRA, streetdance on Sun Pier and performances and workshops in Naked Products.

DJ Ahuncho and Bando Black perform at Chatham Memorial Synagogue.
Janet Fischer, CEO of Live Music Now said: “IntraFest! Wow, what an amazing whirlwind of a weekend. It was such a pleasure to work with so many fantastic local business in the Old High Street Intra in the Medway towns: wonderful, committed individuals and entrepreneurs who came together to celebrate the vast array of local musical talent in Medway. It was great to see new people on the High Street, music in unusual places and people enjoying themselves all weekend!”
We’d like to thank all venues, performers, volunteers, audiences and crew members for making IntraFest 2022 the success it was. Further thanks goes to Medway Council for their funding of the festival.
Audiences get creative with screenprinting t-shirts and tote bags at INTRA Arts.

The Cut of Her Cloth

New music inspired by women leaders of Medway, created with local people This two-year project run by Intra Arts and Live Music Now, celebrates ten

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