Transforming Communities

Mewn Tiwn (In Tune): New LMN Wales music-making project

I ddarllen hwn yn Gymraeg cliciwch yma.

Live Music Now Wales is looking for older people living in Cardiff and the Vale to take part in a new, funded music-making project, Mewn Tiwn!

Mewn Tiwn (In Tune) has been specifically created for older people in the community, particularly those living with dementia, who want to:

  • Have a go at playing any instrument or already know how to play any instrument
  • Socialise and play music with others
  • Try something new in a safe and dementia-friendly environment

Mewn Tiwn
was inspired by the late Peter Walker (BBC Sports radio host, cricketer and musician), who rediscovered his passion for jazz clarinet after an Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Read the full article about Peter here.

Much like Mr Walker, many people learnt an instrument in their youth but have neglected playing as they aged, due to ill health or lack of opportunity and encouragement. Others may have always wished to learn a new musical skill but lacked the confidence to give it a try. Mewn Tiwn was created to provide a safe, bespoke and social setting for people at all levels to play as part of a band, regardless of instrument and ability, whilst utilising the many therapeutic benefits of live music.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mewn Tiwn pilot project which should have run last year was cancelled, but due to the ongoing lockdown and isolation this has created, we have decided to deliver Mewn Tiwn virtually instead!

To promote this project, we will be running four taster sessions via Zoom at the end of March, led by LMN musicians Iolo Edwards and Luke Baxter. If you enjoy the taster sessions and would like to participate in the full project, you will have access to 10 weekly interactive workshops delivered by Iolo and Luke. The tasters/workshops will be focused on creating music using percussion, so as to be as inclusive as possible for those who don’t have prior musical skills and those who are living with dementia. If you don’t have access to percussion, don’t panic! Our musicians will explain ways you can take part using household items instead. Over the 10 workshop sessions, participants will contribute to creating a piece of music, which will be available for download at the end of the project!

Involvement in this project is FREE! The only requirements for taking part are:

  • You must live in the Cardiff and Vale area
  • You must either be confident in setting up a computer/accessing a Zoom link yourself, or have a guardian/family member/carer/friend to organise this for you. Family members/guardians/carers/friends are encouraged to join in the sessions too!

If you would like to participate in the taster sessions, please complete this online form or email [email protected] for more details.


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