The research posters* below were shortlisted for display at the Royal Society of Medicine conference hosted by Live Music Now on the 16 November 2015 entitled: Examining the utility of music interventions in neurological disorders of older people. Links to research abstracts and PDFs of posters are included below, where available for public distribution.
- The effect of listening to preferred music on pain, depression and anxiety in older people in care homes; Dr Fiona Costa
- The impact of music therapy on the patient, the institution, the wider community and the cost of care; Miss Ellie Ruddock
- Music therapy assessment and rehabilitation with prolonged disorders of consciousness: Insights from an evidence based approach; Dr Julian O'Kelly
- Stroke rehabilitation of the upper extremity: A feasibility study using specialised digital musical instruments (DMls) in the home environment; Mr Pedro Kirk
- Can active music-making ameliorate neglect: A randomised control trial; Ms Rebeka Bodak
- Using Music in Dementia Care; Dr Kagari Shibazaki, Seirei Christopher University, Hamamatsu, Japan and Dr Nigel Marshall, University of Sussex
- The effectiveness of music in reducing patients' anxiety and pain during phlebotomy: Pilot study; Miss Pin Ying Koo
- Music Therapy Assessment Tool for Awareness in Disorders of Consciousness (MATADOC):A standardised diagnostic measure for assessment and evaluation; Dr Wendy Magee
- Music therapy rehabilitation with disorders of consciousness: A neurophysiological and behavioural case study; Miss Sophie Rappich
- Music therapy in dementia care in the 21st century; Making meaning; Mrs Joy Gravestock
- Individual music therapy for the health and care of people living with dementia; Mr Ming Hung Hsu
- Music therapy with people with Huntington's disease; Mrs Rosanne Tyas
*Research posters summarise information or research concisely and attractively to help publicise it and generate discussion.