Transforming Communities

Poster presentations: Live Music Now at the Royal Society of Medicine – 16 November 2015

The research posters* below were shortlisted for display at the Royal Society of Medicine conference hosted by Live Music Now on the 16 November 2015 entitled: Examining the utility of music interventions in neurological disorders of older people. Links to research abstracts and PDFs of posters are included below, where available for public distribution.


  1. The effect of listening to preferred music on pain, depression and anxiety in older people in care homes; Dr Fiona Costa
  2. The impact of music therapy on the patient, the institution, the wider community and the cost of care; Miss Ellie Ruddock
  3. Music therapy assessment and rehabilitation with prolonged disorders of consciousness: Insights from an evidence based approach; Dr Julian O'Kelly
  4. Stroke rehabilitation of the upper extremity: A feasibility study using specialised digital musical instruments (DMls) in the home environment; Mr Pedro Kirk
  5. Can active music-making ameliorate neglect: A randomised control trial; Ms Rebeka Bodak
  6. Using Music in Dementia Care; Dr Kagari  Shibazaki, Seirei Christopher University, Hamamatsu, Japan and Dr Nigel Marshall, University of Sussex
  7. The effectiveness of music in reducing patients' anxiety and pain during phlebotomy: Pilot study; Miss Pin Ying Koo
  8. Music Therapy Assessment Tool for Awareness in Disorders of Consciousness (MATADOC):A standardised diagnostic measure for assessment and evaluation; Dr Wendy Magee
  9. Music therapy rehabilitation with disorders of consciousness: A neurophysiological and behavioural case study; Miss Sophie Rappich
  10. Music therapy in dementia care in the 21st century; Making meaning; Mrs Joy Gravestock
  11. Individual music therapy for the health and care of people living with dementia; Mr Ming Hung Hsu
  12. Music therapy with people with Huntington's disease; Mrs Rosanne Tyas

*Research posters summarise information or research concisely and attractively to help publicise it and generate discussion.

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