Live Music Now has exciting news! We have partnered with Drake Music, the leading organisation for music, disability and technology, to design and deliver a programme of exploratory music sessions with disabled children aged 3-5. The project combines LMN’s mission to support music provision in special education school settings and Drake Music’s technical innovation in inclusive music practice.
The project will operate on a weekly basis at Newlands School in Rochdale, working with children and staff in the early years classes. Music is a proven tool in supporting the early development of language and fine motor skills. The sessions aim to develop inclusive techniques for young Disabled children to begin their music-making journeys using accessible technology and classroom instruments. Teachers will work closely with the musicians, accessing specialist music training throughout the year. Learning from the programme will be shared with the music education sector after the project has finished.
Paul Exton-Guinness, one of our experienced LMN musicians is leading the workshops at the school alongside Drake Music colleagues. He will be joined later in the year by four Live Music Now North West musicians who are new to working with early years children.
“Tiny Techies is a really exciting project and has started to already make an impression on the children we are working with! I am most looking forward to exploring technology that I haven’t yet used but should start a foundation for the participants to engage in music throughout their lifetimes.”
Tom McGrath, Drake Music’s Programme Delivery Manager speaking about the project-
“We recognise the need to provide continued support for music teachers using technology in their classes to increase access and participation in music, particularly in early years settings. This is a growing area of music education and one where we want to see equality of access for young Disabled children.”
Watch this space for insights into the interactive workshops! #accesstomusic#technology#inclusion#musiceducation