Transforming Communities

Live Music Now Partnership with the Baluji Music Foundation’s Inner Vision Orchestra

Group photo of Innervision Musicians, Guides and Live Music Now staff
Photo caption below.

Live Music Now is delighted to be working in partnership with the Baluji Music Foundation’s Inner Vision Orchestra to include 12 of its musicians as Live Music Now guest musicians in 2023-24.

The Inner Vision Orchestra was founded in 2012 and is the world’s only professional ensemble of blind musicians. This pilot project will enable Live Music Now to increase its knowledge and experience of working with and supporting blind musicians.

“Live Music Now has been constantly evolving to include different styles of music in their programming and now to be accessible to blind musicians as well” Baluji Shrivastav OBE, founder of the Baluji Music Foundation

A man in a light blue shirt with a guitar is seated next to a woman with a violin and a man with violin.
Members of Inner Vision String Connection, Adil Latif, playing his guitar next to Abi Baker, holding her violin next to Takashi Kikuchi, playing his viola and smiling.

“We’re thrilled to be working alongside Baluji and the Inner Vision Orchestra musicians on this project. I’m excited for the exchange of ideas and expertise between our musicians and organisations, and looking forward to introducing our Live Music Now audiences to this cohort of talented musicians.” Nina Swann, Executive Director, Live Music Now

The 12 Inner Vision guest musicians will be part of Live Music Now’s South East Branch throughout 2023-24. They will train alongside new LMN musicians, and deliver interactive performances and creative projects in special schools, and health and adult social care settings in Greater London as part of our musician team.

Paula and Fabiana Chavez of Tango Twins playing four-handed piano.

“Live Music Now is leading the way in welcoming blind musicians to participate in their concert series. They are setting an example for the whole music industry. Thanks to the Vision Foundation for facilitating this initiative to boost the employment of blind people through music.” Linda Shanson, Inner Vision Orchestra manager

The first nine Inner Vision Guest Musicians are Paula Chavez; Fabiana Chavez; Ziad Sinno; Fereshteh Khosroujerdy; Ghow Ratnarajah; Takashi Kikuchi; Abi Baker; Adil Latif; and Uttara Joshi. Other Inner Vision Guest Musicians will join the Live Music Now team in autumn.

You can see all the Inner Vision ensembles with Live Music Now here.


Ziad Sinno, Uttara Joshi and Ghow Ratnarajah of Dunya

Innervision musicians took part in a Live Music Now induction session on 27 February alongside Inner Vision Guides Lindsay Ireland, Alex Hill and George Schofield and other newly recruited South East musicians Dunia Botic, Kostas Glynos, Rachel Lowrie and Gavin Alexander. The induction was led by Live Music Now mentor and trainer Julian West, South East Branch Director Ruth Mulvey, Executive Director Nina Swann and Project Manager Rosanna Kwok.

Uttara Joshi and Fereshteh Khosroujerdy clap along with the group during the induction workshop.

Top image: Back row (standing) left to right – Abi Baker, Ghow Ratnarajah, Takashi Kikuchi, Adil Latif, George Schofield, Fereshteh Khosroujerdy, Rachel Lowrie, Ziad Sinno, Gavin Alexander, Julian West, Rosanna Kwok, Jennifer Abell, Dunia Botic, Kostas Glynos. Front row (sitting) left to right – Lindsay Ireland, Uttara Joshi, Paula and Fabiana Chavez, Ruth Mulvey.

Photography by Ivan Gonzalez

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