Transforming Communities

LMN Scotland Celebrates Robert Burns with a foot-stomping concert

Live Music Now Scotland musicians enjoyed a fantastic day at the National Museum of Scotland, as part of the celebrations for Burns Unbound. Crowds got to enjoy foot-stomping live music from Aonach Mòr, Jeana Leslie, Adam Brown and Barluath. The concert was compèred by BBC Radio Scotland presenter and accordionist Gary Innes, and the afternoon was given a rousing introduction by the Cabinet Secretary for Culture and MSP, Fiona Hyslop.

Burns Unbound is an annual celebration of the poetry and legacy of Scottish poet Robert Burns, with a packed programme of creative activities and performances. It took place on Sunday 22 January and was supported through Scotland’s Winter Festivals, a programme of events managed by EventScotland, part of VisitScotland, on behalf of the Scottish Government.

Here are a couple of photos (including some mini stage-invaders!) of a great family-friendly knees-up in celebration of Rabbie Burns. Find more photos from the day over on the NMS Facebook page.






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