Transforming Communities

LMN teams up with North Bristol NHS Trust to celebrate amazing Black performers

An excerpt from Toussaint to Move’s film produced in partnership with North Bristol NHS Trust at St George’s Bristol

LMN is working with Fresh Arts at North Bristol NHS Trust to produce a series of films celebrating amazing Black performers working with Live Music Now. Versions of these films will also be available for schools, along with resources for teachers to explore with their classes.

The first film features Akeim Toussaint Buck (aka Touissant to Move), born in Jamaica and raised in England, whose work combines dance, poetry, beat-box, singing and improvisation (clip above).


Percussionist Rosie Bergonzi performs on handpan and voice for the second film.

The final film showcases music from West Africa, performed on the Kora and Djembe by Alain Rouamba and Josh Doughty.


Versions specifically made for schools for Rosie and Akeim’s films are available on the playlist here.

Commissioned and presented by Fresh Arts, North Bristol NHS Trust with support from St George’s Bristol and Southmead Hospital Charity.