Save The Date!
FREE Celebration and Training Event for Activities Coordinators in Residential Homes, Nursing Homes and Day Centres
29th September 2022 – 10am-5pm at St Fagans National Museum of History, Cardiff (Counts towards CPD)
Live Music Now Wales, Age Cymru and Amgueddfa Cymru are hosting the first FREE celebration and training event for activities coordinators in Residential Homes, Nursing Homes and Day Centres in Wales on the 29 September 2022 at St Fagans National Museum of History, Cardiff.
Who should come?
Activities coordinators, care teams and providers employed in residential settings, nursing homes and day centres across Wales who are running activities for older people.
What’s happening?
The day will include: live music from Live Music Now musicians; practical training activities and resources to grow the use of live music and creative and cultural activities in care; afternoon tea and cake; a good lunch; and a chance to look around the Museum. Training counts towards CPD.
With special guests Julie Morgan MS, Deputy Minister for Social Services: Senedd Cymru and Heléna Herklots, Older Peoples’ Commissioner for Wales. There will also be a contribution from the National Activities Providers Association.
When: 29 September, 10am – 5pm
Where: St Fagans National Museum of History, Cardiff
Why: We want to celebrate your achievements and thank you for the hard work you’ve put in over the last few years with a great networking and training opportunity.
Register: Register here. Space is limited. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Heather Chandler, Senior Project Manager Live Music Now Wales [email protected]
Access: There will be Welsh Language and BSL Interpreters present throughout. Email [email protected] with any access questions.