Transforming Communities

Welcome to week 12 of Together at Home with LMNS


This week we celebrate Fête de la Musique and Make Music Day UK on Sunday 21 June.

We will be releasing links to the concerts below on our social media sites on the day of release. Follow us on: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Live Music Now Scotland concerts are available to view at

We hope you will enjoy it. Feel free to share with anyone who may appreciate some music right now.



Week 12 schedule: 
Tuesday 16 June, 11am
We are delighted to share a short concert from Live Music Now Munich with soprano Milena Bischoff and pianist Chia-Lun Hsu performing songs by Schumann, Brahms and Wolf. 
Suitable for the general public.
Wednesday 17 June, 11am
LMNS musicians Iona Fyfe and Luc McNally recently recorded a dementia friendly concert for the National Galleries of Scotland. The programme was chosen in response to the gallery’s collection of rainbow paintings. 
Suitable for older people at home in isolation, those that would have attended day centres, those living in care homes, those living with dementia and suitable for the general public too.
Thursday 18 June, 11am
A concert from Live Music Now Berlin by the Schweberich Quartet performing Haydn’s Quartet in C, Op.20/2 and Mendelssohn’s Song Without Words in A, Op. 19/4.
Suitable for the general public. 
Sunday 21 June, 2pm
In celebration of Fête de la Musique and Make Music Day UK, Héloïse Bernard (soprano) and José Javier Ucendo (piano) perform a concert of French songs. 
Suitable for older people at home in isolation, those that would have attended day centres, those living in care homes, those living with dementia and suitable for the general public too.